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About Us


PAANI FOODS INC distributes select specialty food items from the African cuisine.
We are the first company in the ethnic food industry to package popular African dishes in heat and serve
packaging for retail to our natural and mainstream markets.

We intend to become a household name in packaging quality, home-style traditional African food to suit
the busy lifestyles of African and other consumers. 

Time honored family recipes have been passed down through the generations, rich with ethnic heritage.
Knowledgeable consumers are looking for authentic products, filled with the best ingredients. 

We will continually canvass the marketplace for what is and is not available to the consumer in the line
of ethnic African foods.  Adding new products to the areas of need will assure our success in a market
driven by consumer demand. 

Our vision is supported by the growth of the ethnic food industry and the increasing demand for healthy and
diverse food products.

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